martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

A JDM Mod Serial PIC programmer with VCC control

Since I'm kind an electronics hobbyst, I've been wanting to learn how to program Microchip PIC microcontrollers for a long time. I got some experience by using the MPLAB X IDE by Microchip with other tools that simulate PICs, and since I have an intermediate C language programming level, the learning curve was kinda smooth but sloppy. But, programming real-life PICs is a little more complicated than simulating them and it is better to have a programmer for a complete programming experience. That's why I've just started a project on building my very own JDM serial PIC programmer. To that end I'm using the hackaday platform to record all the relevant information of the process. The link to the whole project is

I hope it's useful to someone else.

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